Ramblings:-->Brook Benton - Plus Star Trek:TNG List

"She told me she loved me.
She told me a lie.
She said I'd be happy.
She made me cry.
I'm hurting, hurting,
Hurting inside."
Brook Benton
It is quite possible...and more than likely...that I owe my life...my very existence to the late, great... Brook Benton.

Delving into the mind of my granddad recently...about music...records and such...I wanted to know what singers really helped make the bells ring.

What helped him trip with the ladies. Grab the gals. Do the dames.

I mean...I wanted to know who he really..."dug"...back in the heydays...while cuddling with the cuties.

There wasn't much hesitation before he responded with...two fingers. Only two.
Elvis...who I was already familiar with. And Mr. Smooth...Brook Benton.

As my grandfather would say..."Elvis gott'em in your arms. Brook gott'em in your bed."

And he told me it was an absolute fact...that my father...along with my two aunts...(Sherri and Vicki)...were conceived during the playing of Brook Benton songs.

So you see...if it wasn't for Elvis...and Brook...entertaining my grandparents during the shadows of love....my father might never have been born. And...well...that would certainly cancel out...Me...Myself...and I.

Granddad had Brook Benton on LPs. On 45's. On cassette. And finally...CD. There were "Best ofs"... and..."Greatest Hits"...and..."Golden Hits"...and lastly...a double-disc offering..."40 Greatest Hits".

It was this last one I checked out to play. It had every song that the other CDs had...and then some. And it didn't take long for me to understand...why my Granddad....was drawn to this unknown artist...(to me, anyway)...so intently.

Brook Benton's voice is smothered in...COOL! With a silky delivery so..."on time"...even the UPS man would have to take a backseat.

After spending the afternoon digging Brook...and listening to hilarious stories from Grandpa...that had to absolutely be kept out of Grandma's earshot range...I came home a much more wiser man.

And my next payday...I went out and bought the very same CD..."40 Greatest Hits" by the man I possibly owe my very existence too. Mr. Smooth...Brook Benton. Good Stuff!

Below is Brook Benton appearing on Ed Sullivan.

On to other things...

Reverting to my childlike nature from time to time...Recently I completed my Start Trek:TNG comic collection. I procrastinated...as I'm apt to do...picking up a comic here...and a comic there...as the mood would strike...But finally did it.

Anyway, after reading the DC series of ST:TNG...of which included 80 issues that ran from '89 thru '96 (not counting 6 Annuals & 3 Specials)...here is my list of the best stories from this collection.

Thus...should the desire ever strike to pick up a couple of comics with the intention of enjoying a completed story line...well...here you go.
Top 4 Star Trek: The Next Generation DC Comic Story lines.

  • Issue # 30 - 31...Commander Riker...aka Number One...has a run-in with some sour spectres.
  • Issue # 1- 2...Captain Picard looks guilty in a murder assassination.
  • Issue # 33-35...The rapscallion "Q" turns the Enterprise crew into Klingons.
  • Issue # 47 - 50...The Enterprise slips into an alternate universe with the Borg again as the adversary.
Good Stuff!


Brook Benton:-->"Hurtin' Inside" (Best of) (1959) (Must Own)


whiteray said…
I'm not as in debt to Brook as you may be, but one of my favorite recordings of all time is his version of "Rainy Night in Georgia." Oh, how sweet!
Casey said…
Hey Whiteray...
I like that one,too...."Feels like it's raining all over the world".
Thanks for dropping by.

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