Ramblings:-->Mieka - Leopold - Ill Lillies & the Newmie Award

"After all this time...
I tell myself that I'm
Not just wasting time.
Oh you know I'm not that way inclined."
Thin Lizzy

Outstanding Work in Overall Acting 2007 Newman U.

Today, I'm taking the moment to hopefully draw some warranted attention to three new artists I've had some time to lend an ear. I encourage everyone to give a listen.

Leopold and his Fiction
This duo out of San Francisco has an awesome sound that rocks Oz!
If you can imagine the Drive-By Truckers smothered in White Stripes moxie with a dash of Robert Plant...Now that's an interesting rock-and roll recipe.
LAHF offer samples of their songs with info and reviews. Good stuff!
Leopold and His Fiction:-->"Go On Have My Way" off LAHF.

Mieka Pauley
...born in Massachusetts and raised in the heat of Florida and the Colorado cold spots. But she has been everywhere...her and her guitar performing at every opportunity.
Writing like a female Jackson Browne, Mieka delivers her lyrics in a warm, likeable voice. And her lyrics...Oz!
"I will not wait for what the world may not create..I 'll take fate day by day." Good stuff!
Mieka Pauley:-->"Fate Day By Day" off Mieka Pauley (Photo by Chris McKay)

Ill Lillies

This band hails from Cleveland and has developed a sound that is reminiscent, to my ears, of the great Arthur Lee band...Love.
With a mixture of pop and acoustical psychedelia ...there is a pleasant familiarity to Ill Lillies sound.
They obviously want to sell as many cds, as possible...but with a fresh admission that all ears may listen for free. They offer many mp3s to sample on their sight and are nearly finished with their follow-up album. Good stuff!
Ill Lillies:-->"Mardelina" off Greatest Hits Vol. 1

Well, that's my introduction to some deserving musicians this week.

With the plethora of indie music that abounds...I encourage all of us...not to become...jaded...as we listen to new artists who are doing what many of us only dream about.

As one of my favorite songwriters, Steve Forbert, waxed in a song..."At least the ones you may be putting down....at least got up to have a go!"

Oh yea...I won best acting award 2007 Newman U.
"You like me. You really like me."


Thin Lizzy:-->"Fight Or Fall" off Jailbreak (1976) (Own This CD)


Anonymous said…
I have been a huge Ill Lillies fan for years. Good taste! Cheers!
-tom said…
Great tunes today and big congrats on the Newmie !
Casey said…
Hey Tom,
Thanks for dropping by...I appreciate the time you give my blog. Seriously.
And thanks for the congrats!
Take care!
Anonymous said…
congratulations on your outstanding work! it's nice to be recognized, isn't it? : )

hey, i'm from cleveland originally, so i'm definitely going to give the ill lillies a listen.
Casey said…
Thanks mjrc!!
Nice to see ya visiting!

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