Horse Head Has An Idea:..“Thriller" (1960-1962)


“Thriller" was a strange, often creepy, TV show that ran for two seasons in the early '60s.  It was hosted by the iconic monster guy...Boris Karloff...who would show his mug at the beginning of each episode and occasionally have a part in one of the stories.  "Thriller," I'm sure, was the kind of show you'd watch as a kid and talk about at school the next day.

This particular episode..."The Incredible Doktor Markesan"...takes place in an old, spooky mansion (of course) and looks fantastic. I didn't recognize the actress (Carolyn Kearney), but the actor is Dick York who played Darrin on "Bewitched" and if you can get that image out of your head for a little while, he does a pretty good job in this.

In this story, he takes his wife to visit his weird, estranged uncle, because the couple is practically broke and they need a place to stay for a week or two just to get back on their feet.  After a little parlay, the uncle agrees...BUT then tacks on one strange condition:  The couple must never leave their room at night.  Red flags should be going off everywhere, but York only has $12 in his pocket so...what the heck!

Creepster-extraordinaire, Stephen King called the show "the best horror series ever put on television."  And if this show was any inspiration at all for some of the blisters that would later appear on Little Stephen's manic typing fingers...I'm all in.

"The Incredible Doktor Markesan" (S2:E22) / "Thriller" (1960-1962 TV series)

Good stuff.

Casey Chambers


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